Translation Mentoring
The scheme is part funded by the network and part by each mentee. We select a potential mentor depending on the mentee’s requirements. Mentors then assign a total of 3 translations of roughly 500 words that are to be completed within about six months.
Photo credits:
Banner: Look Studio, Unsplash
Group: Brooke Cagle, Unsplash

Business Mentoring
In addition to the Translation Mentoring Scheme, the French Network also launched the Business Mentoring Scheme in the summer of 2020. The business scheme is specifically aimed at language professionals with two or more years of experience.
The scheme is not intended to be used to develop translation, interpreting or language skills, but rather to provide support and advice about how to run a business, covering areas such as pricing, identifying new clients and raising your online profile.
Photo credits:
Computer: Scott Graham, Unsplash
Here’s a short video from Sarah, explaining what it’s all about.