Who are you? Please introduce yourself
I’m Bex Elder, a French and Spanish to English translator and I also provide copywriting services in English. I’m based in Aberdeen, Scotland which is where I grew up and migrated back to after university. My pursuit of languages was triggered by my love to talk and realising that if I spoke more languages, I could talk to more people.
Do you translate, interpret, or both? What are your areas of specialism?
Although my degree was in translation and interpreting, I exclusively work with written texts now: translation, editing, proofreading and copywriting. Thinking of my liaison interpreting exams still makes me break out in a cold sweat so I have great admiration for interpreters and their ability to think so quickly!
In terms of specialism, I focus on marketing and texts which need a little creative flare. I really enjoy the variety of these texts and being able to put myself in the readers’ shoes and finding a solution which would sound natural to them.
Why did you decide to get into translation or interpreting?
Despite doing my undergrad degree in interpreting and translating, it was only in my final year of studies that I realised that I could pursue a career in the field! I debated going through the in-house route but ultimately decided that I wanted to take the plunge and go freelance upon graduation. It’s hard to imagine doing anything else now; while there are always challenges, I love helping clients communicate with a new audience and the freedom of running your own business.
What’s your favourite type of project?
I enjoy longer-term, creative projects where you can really get to know the client and what they’re about and have the freedom to communicate that. Another benefit of these projects is that they give you the ability to plan your time and predict your income a bit more easily! I also love working with clients who share the same values as me and who are making the world a better place in their own ways, whether through sustainable products, promoting gender equality or enabling access to education.
What do you do outside of translation or interpreting?
I love running (although sometimes it’s a love/hate relationship!), reading, weightlifting, sampling new gins and hanging out with my niece and nephews. I’m also a leader at my church youth group which gives me an excuse to eat more pizza than I probably should! Generally, I’m happiest having a good chat over a cup of tea.
Bex Elder is a French and Spanish to English translator specialising in marketing, travel and tourism and creative texts.