Mini-série sur les réussites : une collaboration qui a porté ses fruits (en chocolat !)

L’avant-dernier épisode de notre mini-série sur les réussites réunit Gillian Shaw et Aude de Lucia, qui nous donnent un bon exemple de coopération entre collègues. Gillian: Ever since I completed the Level 2 Craft Chocolate Tasting certificate, I’ve wanted to go to Paris’ Salon du Chocolat. And my visit last autumn didn’t disappoint. Apart fromContinue reading “Mini-série sur les réussites : une collaboration qui a porté ses fruits (en chocolat !)”

MITI Upgrade Grant – recipient Keith Baddeley

In 2020, the French Network was delighted to launch our MITI upgrade grant. Recipients receive funds to help cover the cost of upgrading to Qualified ITI Member status. Keith Baddeley translates from French and Spanish into English, specialising in business and technical texts for the IT industry, with a focus on the cybersecurity sector. I’d been thinkingContinue reading “MITI Upgrade Grant – recipient Keith Baddeley”

Rev It Up and Go ! | À fond la révision !

Suite au fantastique travail de Holly-Anne Whyte et Alanah Reynor pour monter des équipes de Rev Club calibrées selon le domaine de traduction et l’expérience, notre quatuor An>Fr composé de Lucile Jung, Aurélie Trapp, Emmanuelle Groom et moi s’est réuni à trois reprises entre novembre 2022 et janvier 2023 – quatre séances étaient prévues, mais laContinue reading “Rev It Up and Go ! | À fond la révision !”

MITI Upgrade Grant – recipient Laura Glancey

In 2020, the French Network was delighted to launch our MITI upgrade grant. Recipients receive funds to help cover the cost of upgrading to Qualified ITI Member status. Laura Glancey is a French and Russian to English translator, specialising in business documents and user guides. I did my first degree in Modern Languages, what seems a veryContinue reading “MITI Upgrade Grant – recipient Laura Glancey”

Success story mini-series: Teaming up to secure our future as freelance translators

In recent years, the language industry has experienced various changes, not all of them beneficial to freelance translators. Today more than ever, it seems essential to join forces in order to secure our future in this profession. This observation led to the creation of our translation collective, Syllabes. How it all began In 2016, twoContinue reading “Success story mini-series: Teaming up to secure our future as freelance translators”

MITI Upgrade Grant – recipient Rachel Ferguson

In 2020, the French Network was delighted to launch our MITI upgrade grant. Recipients receive funds to help cover the cost of upgrading to Qualified ITI Member status. Rachel Ferguson is a translator and proofreader working from French and Spanish into English; she shares what receiving the grant and upgrading has meant to her. I joined theContinue reading “MITI Upgrade Grant – recipient Rachel Ferguson”

Véronique Nuytten

Bonjour, quelques mots pour te présenter ? Bonjour, Je suis Véronique Nuytten mais… Please, appelez-moi plutôt Véro ! J’habite Andenne, en Belgique et je suis maman de deux grands enfants (25 et 23 ans). Je suis traductrice et traductrice jurée en espagnol, anglais et français, parallèlement à ma double vie d’assistante juridique dans le notariat. EnContinue reading “Véronique Nuytten”

Training grant: Comparative stylistics … “reloaded”! – Emmanuelle reports

ITI Members of the French Network can apply for a training grant to organise or attend an event. In December 2022, Emmanuelle Jeannot received the grant to attend the short course Comparative stylistics … “reloaded”!, organised by the ITI and hosted by Joachim Lépine. Here she shares what she learned. Les formations en ligne et webinairesContinue reading “Training grant: Comparative stylistics … “reloaded”! – Emmanuelle reports”

Success story mini-series: Fighting off the gremlins to win clients

I loved reading Keith’s success story in the last edition of Au Courant. Keith showed just how important LinkedIn is for freelancers nowadays, as a powerful platform for us to interact with colleagues and clients alike. That said, it has always been a bit of a stumbling block for me. While I know exactly whatContinue reading “Success story mini-series: Fighting off the gremlins to win clients”

Food for thought / Matière à réflexion

By Lucile Jung Une question simple pour une phrase ‘simple’ : comment traduire la formule (inventée pour l’exercice) The curator curates an exhibition ? Voilà une question que Mireille Bord et moi-même nous sommes posée récemment lors de la visite d’une exposition. Sur le moment, il nous semblait impossible de traduire ces deux termes de façonContinue reading “Food for thought / Matière à réflexion”

Translation Mentoring Scheme – mentor pairs report: Sarah Bichot and Holly-Anne Whyte

The Translation Mentoring Scheme was launched by the ITI French Network in 2020. The scheme focuses on developing translation skills and is aimed at both experienced translators and newcomers to the profession. Mentees work on three translations over a period of six months, which mentors provide feedback and guidance on. Below a mentor pair sharesContinue reading “Translation Mentoring Scheme – mentor pairs report: Sarah Bichot and Holly-Anne Whyte”