Business Mentoring Scheme – mentor pairs report: James and Juliet

The mentee: James Kelly When I reached out to the business mentoring programme, I was in the process of moving away from working with a couple of longstanding agency clients, many having made the switch to machine translation. I was seeking out more rewarding relationships that would allow me to work directly with clients andContinue reading “Business Mentoring Scheme – mentor pairs report: James and Juliet”

Success story mini-series: Winning a dream client

I’m sure many of you have wondered whether LinkedIn actually works, whether you can really land that dream client just by being present on this social media platform geared to professionals like us. I know I did. Even after I started to post more regularly and comment on content that my ideal clients were posting,Continue reading “Success story mini-series: Winning a dream client”

MITI Upgrade Grant – recipient Hayley Carter-Smith

In 2020, the French Network was delighted to launch our MITI upgrade grant. Recipients receive funds to help cover the cost of upgrading to Qualified ITI Member status.  Hayley translates from French and Spanish into English, and specialises in International Development and charity communications; she shares what receiving the grant and upgrading has meant to her.Continue reading “MITI Upgrade Grant – recipient Hayley Carter-Smith”

Business Mentoring Scheme – mentor pairs report: Emma and Fiona

The mentee: Emma Canham Sometimes, you need someone else to help you move forwards. When I signed up for the French Network’s business mentoring scheme, I felt like I was stagnating as a translator. Working with agencies wasn’t as rewarding as collaborating with my few direct clients. And perennial issues like low rates and theContinue reading “Business Mentoring Scheme – mentor pairs report: Emma and Fiona”

Translation Mentoring Scheme – mentor pairs report: Stephanie Donat and Ruth Simpson

The Translation Mentoring Scheme was launched by the ITI French Network in 2020. The scheme focuses on developing translation skills and is aimed at both experienced translators and newcomers to the profession. Mentees work on three translations over a period of six months, which mentors provide feedback and guidance on. Below a mentor pair shares their experienceContinue reading “Translation Mentoring Scheme – mentor pairs report: Stephanie Donat and Ruth Simpson”

Translation Mentoring Scheme – mentor pairs report: Aude De Lucia et Christèle Blin

The Translation Mentoring Scheme was launched by the ITI French Network in 2020. The scheme focuses on developing translation skills and is aimed at both experienced translators and newcomers to the profession. Mentees work on three translations over a period of six months, which mentors provide feedback and guidance on. Below a mentor pair sharesContinue reading “Translation Mentoring Scheme – mentor pairs report: Aude De Lucia et Christèle Blin”

Pricing Your Services and Negotiating with Confidence

Online workshop with Susie Jackson, organised by ITI FrenchNet Written by Sarah Bichot. Freelance translator and financing and pricing mentor Susie Jackson ran a three-hour online workshop for ITI FrenchNet members on pricing and negotiation on 18 May. If you needed an explanation of the importance of time-tracking, this was it. Knowledge is power, andContinue reading “Pricing Your Services and Negotiating with Confidence”

English > French Slam / Traduel anglais > français

Organisé par Holly-Anne Whyte et Alanah Reynor du Réseau français de l’ITI Animé par Françoise Vignon Texte : Critique de la pièce Mrs Delgado Fin mars, l’ITI French Network nous a fait le plaisir d’organiser un traduel opposant deux traductrices professionnelles de l’anglais vers le français. Ayant par le passé fait office d’animatrice lors d’un traduelContinue reading “English > French Slam / Traduel anglais > français”

“The butterfly effect: how to survive the web of wildlife terminology translation” Webinaire ITI – 9 août 2022

Connaissez-vous la différence entre une grenouille et un crapaud, ou entre un hibou et une chouette ? Sauriez-vous faire la distinction entre un pygargue et un aigle, ou nommer les différentes mésanges qui visitent nos jardins ? Le sujet est déjà assez pointu en soi, mais quand il s’agit de le traduire, les défis sont multiples. DepuisContinue reading ““The butterfly effect: how to survive the web of wildlife terminology translation” Webinaire ITI – 9 août 2022”